Clare Gogerty
Celebrate the Wheel of the Year-from Samhain to Mabon-with remedies, charms, crystals, and DIY crafts that connect you with sabbat traditions and customs.
This book will guide you through a year of magic. Based on the cycles of nature and guided by the seasons, it will give you the tools and know-how to unveil the magic that surrounds us. By celebrating the eight sabbats of the Wheel of the Year, you will work with nature to activate your hidden...
Increasing numbers of urban dwellers has led to many of us feeling alienated from the natural world. This is not how we are meant to live, and we don't have to. Even in the most built-up environment, nature makes its presence felt. All we have to do is let it in. This book offers 50 invigorating activities and step-by-step projects to do exactly that, for anyone craving a connection with the natural world, but especially those living in cities and...